Erythacus rubecula autumn 2022 from theroadrunner CC-BY-NC

July 23, 2024

National biodiversity strategy consultation

From 24 June to 24 September 2024 inclusive, you will be able to give your opinion on the draft update of Belgium’s national biodiversity strategy until 2030. The FPS Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment will thus be able to take it into account when finalising the strategy.

As part of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Belgium has committed to revising its national biodiversity strategy until 2030. This update aims to align the Belgian objectives with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework and the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030.

The strategy includes 15 strategic objectives and numerous operational objectives, covering a wide range of measures addressing the main causes of biodiversity loss, restoring degraded ecosystems, integrating biodiversity into society as a whole, etc.

The current national biodiversity strategy (2013-2020) is available via this link.

Your opinion counts!

It’s your turn: discover the draft update of the national biodiversity strategy until 2030 and share your comments with us!

You can contribute to the strategy by sending your comments on the draft to the Institute of Natural Sciences:

By email: fill in this questionnaire and mention “NBS consultation” to the address:

  • FR:
  • NL:
  • DE:

By post: mention “NBS consultation” on the envelope to the address: Institute of Natural Sciences – OD Nature – Focal Point of the CBD, rue Vautier 29, 1000 Brussels).

For each of your comments, please clearly indicate the title or the specific passage to which it relates.

Comments must be in our possession no later than 24 September 2024 at 23:59.

The comments expressed during the consultation will be taken into consideration for the development of the final strategy. As soon as the new strategy is adopted, it will be published on our website. We will share how the results of the consultation have been taken into account and how the strategy has been adjusted.

Thank you in advance for your contribution!