Capreolus capreolus summer 2022 from theroadrunner CC-BY-NC

Welcome to

our Node Hosted Portal

GBIF Hosted Portal let you explore Open Biodiversity Data about Belgium. This is all biodiversity data occurring in Belgium and openly shared through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility(GBIF). Through this website, you can explore occurrences, datasets, publishers and literature on Biodiversity of our country. Most of these data are coming from Belgian Institutions, Public agencies, Scientists and Citizens, but some are coming from abroad thanks to data repatriation. This site is our contribution to GBIF Hosted Portals.

GBIF node

The Belgian GBIF Node is a team designated by Belgium to coordinate a network of people and institutions that produce, manage and use biodiversity data, collectively building an infrastructure for delivering biodiversity information. We are supported by organizational arrangements and informatics solutions, working to improve the availability and usefulness of biodiversity data for research, policy and decision-making. Our vibrant Community consists of federal/regional institutions and organizations, Universities and NGOs.


We are part of the Belgian Biodiversity Platform (BBPf), a science-policy interface body funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO) supported by a Cooperation Agreement between the federal and concerned federated authorities. Within the field of biodiversity, the Platform acts as a broker between policy, science and practice.

Our mission

“Decision making on biodiversity issues is grounded on sound evidence and takes place through collaboration between actors”

Our values

Holistic thinkingHolistic thinking

A holistic approach refers to dealing with the whole of something rather than just a part of it. In the context of our work on biodiversity, we aim to look at all levels, drivers, disciplines and sectors related to biodiversity and address them together in a systemic way rather than through silos.


We believe that the issues related to biodiversity cannot be solved by a unique discipline and by scientific knowledge alone. By ensuring that biodiversity related issues are looked at from different perspectives including views of relevant stakeholders, by a diversity of disciplines, across different sectors, and by co-creating knowledge in a joint manner, we will be able to solve the challenges our society is currently facing. We can create new conceptual, theoretical, methodological innovations that integrate stakeholders perspectives and move beyond discipline-specific approaches to address the common environmental issues that we are all facing.


Nurturing trust among the different communities engaged in and/or depending on biodiversity (i.e., various scientific disciplines, policymakers, civil society, managers, private sectors etc.) is crucial. Trust allows for dialogue which leads to common understanding and therefore, to informed decisions at all levels.

Open accessOpen access

Open data, knowledge and science: We believe that open and free access to reliable biodiversity knowledge and data is key in responding to the challenges facing decision-making in terms of biodiversity. Extending the FAIR principles to the whole research process entails a systemic change to the way science is done and used in practice, supporting mandatory scientific integrity.

More readings

If you want to know more about our activities, please read our Community, Services, Team or FAQs sections and visit the Platform main portal.