This morning in Belgium from Yvan Barbier CC-BY-NC


Open Biodiversity Data Community

Our landscape

The Belgian Biodiversity Platform collaborates with a variety of actors. Landscape, a collaborative effort

Since 2002, as the national GBIF node, we coordinate the Belgian Biodiversity Information Facility(BeBIF), a collaborative effort including all Belgian actors that share and/or use Biodiversity data through GBIF. See our Data Publishers page to discover who they are. Explore our Literature page to learn how scientists and policy makers reuse GBIF mediated data. This achievment would not have been possible without the continous efforts of the Belgian BIF. We would like to thanks people around the country that contribute to it over the last twenty years.

Belgian BIF members

Our Data Publishers are mostly federal/regional organizations, Universities and NGOs.

Meise BCCM BenvB
DENMA  Natuurpunt VLIZ
ULB  UGent ULiege

If you want to join us, please visit Become a publisher page or by contact directly your Node Manager.

The Belgian BIF mailing list covers the GBIF Community in Belgium. It offers a privileged communication channel between the Belgian BIF and the members of this Community.

Our partners abroad

Our country also is very active on the Biodiversity informatics international scene.

Biodiversa+ CoL dissco
Elixir EuropaBON GBIF
eBird GoFAIR iNaturalist