Mushrooms from Yvan Barbier CC-BY-NC

May 24, 2024

Fungal genomics as a new service at BCCM/IHEM

Sequencing and analysis of genomes opened exiting possibilities in microbiology, notably for research and new applications. Bacterial genomes are now routinely examined in many facilities, following advances in sequencing technologies and dedicated software. In mycology, genomics is more challenging, especially for complex analyses such as genome-based phylogenies, due to the larger size of the fungal genomes.

In the recent years, BCCM/IHEM invested in genomics in order to answer the growing needs of its customers in the field. After optimizing DNA extraction protocols and quality controls, the collection participated in the BCCM GEN-ERA project that aimed to implement bioinformatic capacities for data analysis.

After several research-based studies, BCCM/IHEM now offers to its clients a portfolio of genomic services that includes:

Extraction of DNA with low fragmentation suitable for whole-genome sequencing and including both qualitative and quantitative assessment. Extraction can be performed on customer’s isolates or DNA from IHEM strains can be distributed. Genome sequencing, assembly and annotation based on short reads. Phylogenomics of fungal strains for genome-based identification and research. BCCM/IHEM is also currently investigating the sequencing of long reads that can be used for de novo sequencing of fungal genomes. This strategy does not require the availability of a reference genome and will increase the availability of genomic services of the collection in the future.